Faith, Unattended

Most things in life are moving in one of two directions – towards life or death. They’re growing or wilting. Getting stronger or growing weaker. Rarely can we see it, but its happening right in front of our eyes.

We see it most evidently in things like wilted flowers that sit neglected in the middle of the table, or the torched grass that silently screams out for a good watering, or the garden that has been overrun by weeds for lack of attention.

Yes, most things in life don’t just stand still, stay as they are, remain as we left them or last saw them — not without some kind of time, attention, or nurturing.

And yet, there are many of us who take this kind of “hands off,” “maybe it will all work out,” “I just don’t have the time,but hopefully sometime soon…,” kind of approach to the faith that they claim. The myth is that our faith won’t change if we just let it be – even if just for a short time – for whatever reason.

We want to believe that it will remain in tact. In fact, who knows, that it might even grow – all on its own. At least, that’s what we hope.

But that’s not the case, is it?

Just like any good human relationship that we have, a relationship with Jesus requires time, effort, attention – investment!

If our faith is supposed to be the core of who we are, and how we are in the world, than how can we believe that neglecting our relationship with Jesus will not yield us some kind of negative result?

God wants us to want Him – more than we want anything else.

God won’t force Himself on us. He is patient and kind – yet persistent in His pursuit of us.

A good, healthy relationship involves two bringing their very best to the table.

We do our work.

We leave for God the work that is His.

And we trust Him with the “results.” Whatever they may be.

But without a doubt we can trust that those “results” will come in the form of life, growth, fruit, beauty, and the like.

We cannot neglect the work that is ours – and hope to experience those same results.

God loves us too much to allow for something like that.