Exploring The Journey of Life and Leadership

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I believe that God is up to something – in the world and in our lives. Here are some of the things I’ve been thinking about lately

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Here are a few books I’ve written – and what I’m working on now

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I love sharing what I know with others! If there’s ever an occasion where you think I might be a good fit, please reach out.



Are you looking for someone who can help you “level up”? If so, I’d love to set up a time to chat with you and explore how I might be of assistance.

About ME

Here are some things you might be interested to know about me...
Christian, Husband, Father, Leader in Higher Ed.

Hey! I'm Guy. Chmieleski. My last name is pronounced: [Shim-a-less-key] - the key is to ignore the proper spelling and just say it.

I am happily married with five school-aged kids. Three of them will start college within the next four years.

I've spent my 25+ year career working on different Christian university campuses because I know firsthand just how life changing it can be. It's been quite a ride!

If you want to know more you can CLICK HERE.

  • Percentage of my nights and weekends spent driving my kids around

  • The chances of my team making it deep into the playoffs THIS year - sometimes it's hard to be a fan

  • Chances of me having more than two large cups of coffee today

  • I've been working on my MBA since the late fall of 2021 - and learning a ton!

Recent Ruminations